The White-browed Tit-Spinetail exists only in threatened Polylepis woodlands in the Andes of southern Peru. This lively bird forages actively through the trees, sometimes hanging from branches like a chickadee or titmouse. Its specialized habitat is under siege as local people harvest Polylepis for fuel, and domestic animals and fires inhibit the natural regeneration of these trees. ABC and its partner ECOAN are working with local groups and communities to protect Polylepis woodlands where the White-browed Tit-Spinetail is hanging on to existence. ABC and ECOAN have worked with over 20 communities in the Vilcanota Mountains near Cuzco to restore and protect remaining habitat for this and other Polylepis-dependent bird species. Project successes include the creation of seven community-owned reserves totaling over 15,635 acres (two of which were recently established in April 2011) and planting of over 400,000 Polylepis saplings. Learn more and help ABC and other Polylepis inhabitants! |