I had my whole day planned yesterday, and I was to bake me some cookies for an upcoming photo shoot, when I got slightly side-tracked by the arrival of my mail.....
Yes folks, I received my very own copy of
Bird's Party Magazine in print! YAY!!!We're among friends here (right?!), so I'm not ashamed to say that I did a little dance, stroked the glossy cover for a good 5 minutes and even.....smelled the pages! I know, I know, but I couldn't help myself!! :)
This is
our first printed issue (all past issues were online only), so the learning curve has been steep and I can certainly see room for improvement...but I' was so happy to hold this baby in my hands, "worts" and all! :)
Just want to say a HUGE thanks to all my dear friends and sponsors who contributed and collaborated to make this "baby", and that I 'm extremely grateful and proud of their amazing talent and hard work!!
Celebrations at HomeThe Party WallHaniela'sBelle Cake Topper and MouldA to Zebra CelebrationsCelebrating Moments by MarcieWhatever WhimsyCasos e Coisas da BonfaBrancoPrataDreamers Joy Events and DesignsOne Stone EventsCrossing The Bugger-Dixon LineShawna Brockmeier EventsThe Purple PugJust Call Me MarthaCole Baby TutuMalu BoutiquesSweet EstelleThe Knock -Knock FactoryShop My Little LoveWillow HouseThe Ribbon RetreatBella ArianaMagnolia CreativeSweet DoughGreen Party GoodsAnn- Margaret'sLynlee's Petite CakesSparkling Events and DesignsClemens DesignsAutumn Lynn's Chocolate SinsCupcakes and LemonadeTiny PoshAs well as all the wonderful
contributing vendors that collaborated with our talented stylist on each of their fabulous parties!!
And off course, thank you too (yes, you!) for sticking by and cheering us on!! :)