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The Latest from Bird Crafts

The Latest from Bird Crafts

Celebrating our NEW E-Shop with a HUGE GIVEAWAY: One Winner to get over $200 worth of prizes!!

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:23 AM PDT

To celebrate the launch of our brand NEW E-Site we decided to throw a little party with a few of our friends!! And you're invited!! :)

But this is no ordinary party, because YOU have the chance of winning some fabulous prizes worth over $200!! Keep reading to find out how...

We so very happy to have some fabulous friends and preferred vendors, helping us celebrate the launch of our NEW E-site, where you can now browse through all our party printable collections and purchase online!!

This giveaway prize is valued at over $200 and these are the prizes you'll be getting if you win:

* A $50GC to our shoppe at BirdsParty.com

* A custom party wreath by The Knock Knock Factory worth $45

* A Pastry Pedestal Started Kit worth $30

(Animal, Princess and Vehicles) for Children worth $30 

* A $25GC for cake balls from Terri's Treasures 
(only available in Fall and Winter)

* A Pink Cole Baby Tutu Decorative Feather Wreath 
with choice of ribbon color worth $23 

* Whatever Whimsy Bespoke Cookies:12 x pinwheel cupcake toppers cookies (winner can choose colors) 
and 12 x dozen printed scalloped square sugar cookies 


For your chance to win, simply visit ALL our seven giveaway sponsors facebook page and "like" their pages! Then come back and tell us that you have done so!

* Bird's Party Facebook Fan Page
* The Knock Knock Factory Facebook Fan Page
* The Pastry Pedestal Facebook Fan Page
* Color it by Numbers Facebook Fan Page
* Terrie's Treasures Facebook Fan Page
* Cole Baby Tutu Facebook Fan Page
* Whatever Whimsy Facebook Fan Page

For extra entries  you can share this post  as many times as you want (Please leave a separate comment for each otherwise your entry will only be counted once) using the widgets on the bottom of the post:

* Share on your facebook page
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* Share on a blog post or site

A winner will be selected at random on Friday July 1st. Good Luck to everyone! :)

Dr. Jungle's Animal Speak

Dr. Jungle's Animal Speak

Common Dog Skin Problems

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 11:01 AM PDT

Even dogs can encounter skin conditions. They are covered in fur but the epidermis below can still be irritated by a number of things. Here is an introduction to some common causes of skin irritants and the problems they produce.

Dogs have an outer protective layer of skin just like we do. They also have hair follicles, although their hair is much longer on the skin than ours. It can be hard to see what is attacking that skin through the hair but that is where watching and knowing your pet comes in handy.

Most skin conditions are not comfortable for your dog. Prompt treatment can prevent much suffering on their part.

Skin Irritants / Allergies

They are as much a problem for dogs as they are for people. Environmental allergies are harder to nail down. It could be something that your dog comes in contact with while running and playing outside. More often than not it is due to flea or tick bites. If your dog is allergic, the symptoms can show up months after being bitten.

Allergies can cause itching and redness of the skin. Your dog might lick, scratch or chew his skin in an attempt to reach the spot and stop the problem. This can result in some hair loss from constant gnawing.

Talk to your veterinarian. If the cause is a flea or tick bite, applying medication or a repelling color may clear up the allergic reaction.

Just as hard is finding a food allergy. If all else fails and you are left with something in their diet causing the skin problem, try reducing their food to one protein and one vegetable. Add foods back into the diet until the allergen is found.


Bacterial infections are often a result of other skin problems. Your dog gnaws on his skin trying to scratch an itch and introduces bacteria from the skin into his bloodstream. Bacterial infections are characterized by hair loss, redness and inflammation at the site of infection.

This can potentially lead to yeast infections too. These are characterized by an increase in bacteria in warm moist places on the skin. Usually there will be a foul odor that is given off by the bacteria. The skin will be scaly and greasy feeling.


Fleas and ticks usually lead to allergic reactions in dogs. Some more distressing reactions can be caused by mites. An example is the Demodex mite which leads to what we call mange in dogs. They lose their hair in spots, the skin gets scaly and it is red.

The key to finding the source of the skin problem in order to help your dog begins with noticing signs of change in the appearance of his skin or his other habits. Make sure to keep a look out and check your dog regularly to avoid any distress on his part.

Texel Guinea Pig – Sammy

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 08:16 PM PDT

Texel Guinea Pig , Sammy

"What makes Sammy comfortable?"

Here’s what Denton says about Sammy:

"Sammy is very shy, but once you start to cuddle him he gets comfortable very quickly."

"Sammy is a beautiful texel. He would be very comfortable with us around too! Thanks for sharing Sammy with us."

More about Sammy the Texel Guinea Pig

Choosing the Best Pet for You

Posted: 24 Jun 2011 09:03 AM PDT

Types of PetsTypes of Pets

"There are pets that suit all types of living situations – from small apartments to huge farms!"

Finding “what pet is right for me”, is the key to fun and successful pet ownership!

If you want a great companion pet, you want to make sure it is the best fit for you. The perfect pet can be any number of several types, depending on your lifestyle and your personality.

For some people, finding the best pet for themselves can be rewarding and fun. Many people indicate that they eventually find the “perfect” pet for them and how their lives were changed drastically for the better. You want to find a pet that will be a true member of your family… Read More

More about Types of Pets!