The European Commission revealed its long awaited EU Biodiversity strategy, which sets out a blueprint for achieving the EU's renewed biodiversity target. BirdLife welcomed the strategy but at the same time stressed that if EU is serious about reversing the decline of biodiversity and restoring the ecosystems on which we all depend, much more than the outlined actions will be needed.

To celebrate the (bio)diversity of the European and Central Asian region and decide together on strategies and actions to address the threats, over 100 participants from 41 countries (including the Western Balkans) gathered together in Budapest from the 14th to the 17th of April.

Since 2008, the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) has been financing climate protection projects in developing, transition and newly industrialised countries.

On 13 April 2011, Budapest hosted a special Conference "Power lines and bird mortality in Europe". This important event was co-organised by MME/BirdLife Hungary, the Ministry of Rural Development of Hungary and BirdLife Europe and was kindly hosted by MAVIR (the Hungarian Transmission System Operator Company Ltd.), as part of the official programme of the Hungarian EU Presidency.

In the current EU Budget, the EU broadly failed to match real funding to its sustainable development ambitions. The next, post 2013, EU Budget will be an important step to coherently and strategically support policies which will provide money for public goods.

Find out about BirdLife's ground-breaking programme with local communities to rid Pacific islands of invasive rats.