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American Bird Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that conserves native birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. |
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American Bird Conservancy is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that conserves native birds and their habitats throughout the Americas. |
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09/02/2011 Kenya's environment authority advises jatropha is ‘not viable’ in coastal Kenya09/01/2011 Dial M for Merger09/01/2011 Putting Kagu on the Map09/01/2011 NatureFiji-MareqetiViti on the high seas09/01/2011 Protection for National Parks in Oz09/01/2011 Making Flyways Conservation a Reality |
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Credit reports are kept on most people in almost every country in the world. It is a record that is kept on individuals and most companies. This report has information that is vital to a person's credit status and can determine whether or not you can do things such as finance a car or buy a house. Sometime it is necessary to fix or rebuild credit and with a bad credit repair report, you can find out how to begin.
A credit report contains information such as when a person borrowed money in the past and when they paid it back. It can also provide details like a bankruptcy or a late payment history. These things can eventually hurt your credit report if they are not taken care of in the proper manner. Poor credit can make it very hard to get a loan or even rent a place to live. Reading through a bad credit repair report is a good way to learn how to fix these problems.<p>
One of the ways you can begin to repair bad credit is to make a budget so that you are not spending more money than you are making. Budgeting your bills and your money will help you to see where your money is going and you will see all of your bills so that none of them get overlooked. Doing this should allow you to have extra money to pay some of the bills that have been paid late. Start paying your bills on time so that you do not get a bad report about late payments because that also hurts you credit.
Another way to fix your credit is to write a letter of dispute to the company who has reported your bad debt. You will need to check with each company and get some information like their address and who to send the letter to. Most companies will reconcile the dispute within fifteen or so days. This will definitely help your credit score to up and, with good credit, you will be able get things like auto financing and lender financing.
There are so many people around the world today that have become a slave to their credit. It is too easy for just about anyone to get instant credit almost every department store they go and getting a major credit card is easier now than it has ever been. We also use our credit to get things like automobiles and houses. All of these things can become overwhelming to some and eventually they end up with bad credit. There are ways to help repair credit when this happens.
There are several ways to begin to help repair credit when it has been damaged. Bad credit occurs when a person or company cannot pay back the money that they borrowed from a creditor. When you are late paying these bills, that can also reflect badly on your credit and it will leave a bad score as well. All of these things can hurt you when you need to use your credit for things that you really need and can't afford to get on your own.
If you need help to repair your credit, you can find several different places to look. First, the Internet is full of websites that can teach you about things like keeping track of your money. Setting limits and making a budget are some of the best ways to start off on the right track. There are several places on the web that can show you how to do this and still live a comfortable life like you were before and pay back all of the money that you have borrowed from creditors.
There are several tools that are also on the Internet that can help you when you are budgeting and paying bills. If you have credit cards then it is a good idea to use a calcul credit application that will show you some valuable information. This information tells you things like how long you will have to pay on that credit card if you only make the minimum payments and how much interest you will be paying as well. Knowing these things can really help you sort things out.
Sometimes things in life happen that are beyond your control. This could be the loss of a job, divorce, reduced income or maybe even a personal tragedy. These events can be life altering and usually have an effect on your credit rating. If your credit score declines you need to look for ways to help repair credit. You may not even realize that your score has been reduced until you apply for a credit card or a loan and get rejected. After the initial shock you have to take action to fix that score.
One of the first things you need to do is order a copy of your credit report. There are three main credit reporting bureaus, so you need to see copies from each of them. Looking at your credit report is the best way to know what you need to work on and if there are any incorrect facts. After you review your reports then you need to take action to get your numbers as high as possible. To do this make sure you pay all your bills on time. Past due means low scores. 35% of your score is related to how timely you pay your bills. In addition to timely payments, try to start paying down your loan and credit card balances. The lower your balance, the higher your score.
Credit repair agencies help repair credit for hundreds of people every day. A reputable agency will never pressure you to into hiring them and will begin their relationship with you by offering counseling on your consumer rights and responsibilities. They are experts at credit repair and know exactly what has to be done and how to do it. This means a much faster and more efficient process for you than if you chose to attempt to do it yourself. Your credit score dictates how interest rates are calculated for loans and credit cards as well as things such as insurance rates. The agency's goal is to raise your score as quickly as possible.
It is possible to attempt to help repair credit on your own. After you translate your credit report you can duplicate many of the same processes that credit repair agencies use. You'll need to get examples of credit repair letters and use them to create your own individualized forms and begin sending them to the credit bureaus. Do not allow yourself to be overwhelmed and totally give up. Your persistence will be the key to success and the avoidance of filing bankruptcy.
Financial institutions use your credit score mortgage loans to determine the rates they will charge you. Before you start shopping for a mortgage, you should first find out what is on your credit report and see how it is affecting your credit score. Be sure to get your credit report from all three of the credit bureaus. Carefully exam all the information that is contained in the reports so you can best determine the course of action that will raise your credit score the most points in the least amount of time.
Any errors that are being reported should be disputed by you. Erroneous information can lower your credit scores needlessly. Things that should be disputed include any late payments, charge-offs and collections that are not yours or have passed the time they should have been removed, usually seven years. Because seven years is when things age off the report, make sure that all information is current. It is also important to dispute anything not showing as current or paid as agreed.
It is important to be sure that all credit limits are being reported at the correct amounts and that the date of last activity is correct. For anything that is verified in a dispute, you should then seek validation of the items to prove that they are yours. If an account is legally verified, pay off the debt and ask that it be removed from your report or ask that it show paid in full as agreed. This will help raise your credit score mortgage.
You should pay down your credit card debt. It is important that the accounts not be at their limits. An easy way to add points to your credit score is to pay down this debt with a goal of the balances not be more than 50 percent of the limit. It is important to not close any of the accounts, especially older accounts as they show credit worthiness and will lower your score if closed. It is important to pay all debts on time. With a few simple steps, you can increase your credit score mortgage loans.
All of the great achievers throughout history have one thing in common. They have all been dreamers or desirers. If anyone is to achieve their goals in life then the first thing they need to do is establish what their desires are. That's what makes people who are highly successful different from the rest – they know exactly what they want in life.
Simply wishing for success is insufficient. If anyone is to make any steps towards their definite objectives then they need to have a determined attitude, bordering on obsession, to fulfil that desire. It does not matter what your desire is. It may be a desire to excel in business, it could be a desire to learn a new skill, or it could involve a desire to change aspects of your personal life.
Whatever desire a person has, it will only be fulfilled if some of the following actions are taken. Firstly a person must realise what it is they need to make them content with their lives and give themselves step by step aims. Then they need to consider how much work they need to put in if they are ever to begin achieving those aims. Next they should set a deadline for reaching their final goal and then create a plan with a timeline highlighting how and when they will go about their tasks. This knowledge must be updated and read out regularly to keep a person on track to satisfying their desire.
All who achieve great things adopt a similar philosophy when setting themselves goals. The best writers, artists, sportsmen, inventors, musicians and scientists, along with many other pioneers of modern professions, all follow the process of putting their thoughts into action successfully when backed by a burning desire. Everyone, no matter what their chosen path in life may be, will start in the same situation with nothing but their thoughts and desires to spur them on.
Many people lack self confidence and are unwilling to set their aims higher through fear of failing. This sometimes develops due to people close to them discouraging them because they feel they are unrealistic with their goals and life choices. It may be that friends and family do not approve and so use ridicule to prevent their loved one from making what they feel is a mistake.
However, these people need to realise that we live in a world that continually throws us new and unique opportunities. The world only became modernised with the efforts of the creative and productive generations before us. Without the burning desire that these people had we might never have discovered the power to travel abroad by plane, communicate with the other side of the world by phone, order something from overseas by the net. With the development of technology and the industrialisation of the world, we now have more job opportunity and diversity than we have ever had.
The time for everyone to realise their dreams is now. We must continue to follow the same methods of pioneers before us by taking the courage to act upon our thoughts with conviction and fulfil our burning desires. It is important that all negative influences are avoided. There is no excuse for
procrastination, and laziness. It is easy for people to say they want to achieve but in reality they will only start to realise their goals once they take those first steps in which they make a plan outlining the route to success.
Everyone has to start somewhere and not everything will go to plan. What is fundamental to success is that a person is not discouraged by initial failure. Most people who have claimed to have 'made it' in life will also be the first to admit that they had failures along the way. With every failure comes the chance to learn something new for another opportunity.
All achievements no matter how significant they are to others begin with a burning desire to get the result intended. In the human mind there is a power that is hard to explain. It is the ability to focus positive thoughts on achieving the thing that is wanted most. Success is sometimes a thing that at first seems impossible. When a burning desire in a person is so strong the word impossible loses significance.
As an emotion, faith is among the strongest and is a state of mind that most effects the subconscious mind. This is important when it comes to putting your thoughts into action in everyday life. If you set yourself a task but are lacking the faith in yourself to complete it then subconsciously you are accepting defeat as inevitable. However, if you are able to convince yourself subconsciously that you can achieve what you set out to do then your efforts will be boosted and the results will reaffirm your self belief and strengthen your faith.
It is difficult for people to strengthen faith if they are lacking it. However, it is achievable and is done by a process which involves encouraging positive thoughts and emotions in the subconscious mind rather than negative ones. This can be more clearly understood if you take a moment to think about how people fall into negative habits such as alcoholism. When a drinker remembers their first ever drink they will more than likely say they did not enjoy it. After becoming accustomed to drinking regularly and enduring the bad side effects they eventually start to embrace alcohol and eventually begin to rely on it. This example suggests that if thought impulses of any kind are repeated and encouraged then that person will seek to express those thoughts through their actions. If the thoughts are positive and result in constructive actions then faith may be strengthened.
If thoughts are backed by strong emotions such as faith and love then they have more chance of being expressed through actions. Therefore your actions can be affected by any strong emotion whether it is positive and productive or negative and destructive. If you are to become successful in whatever goals you have set yourself in life then you need to avoid negative emotions and encourage positive ones. As a consequence you will acquire a subconscious mind that will start to act upon all the positive emotions including faith.
One of the most common causes of a lack of faith is low self confidence. This can be over come through a similar process to the one just mentioned. If you take the time to write down all your positive experiences and attributes and then read these to yourself daily, you will find that the repeated positive affirmations will reassure you of your accomplishments subconsciously and restore faith. The following few principles outline methods to help with faith and self confidence.
Firstly you need to realise that you have the ability to meet your main objectives in life. This means you need to be persistent at all times in chasing your aims even when there are signs of initial failure.
Secondly you must spend some time in the day just thinking positively about yourself and where you want to go in life. A mind dominated by positive thoughts will eventually express desirable physical actions
Thirdly you should have your ultimate dream goal written down and you must promise yourself that you will never give up trying to achieve that goal even if you are not, at that time, confident enough, you will be eventually.
Fourthly you should take advantage of others to achieve your goals. You will be able to succeed by putting the hard work in yourself which will make the rewards all the more sweeter. A negative attitude to people will not bring success. However, by making others believe in your ability you will reaffirm your self belief.
Repeat these principles and you will find that you are able to increasingly influence your subconscious mind. This process of positive thinking has been called auto-suggestion and is a key to the success of many. In short if you think that you will fail then it is likely that you will, but if you convince yourself that you will succeed then you have more chance of doing so. The people that win in today's world are the ones that know they can.
Max Star is a seasoned internet marketer who runs a website which currently offers a free five day e-course and an introductory video which explains not only the principles in this article in more detail, but more methods of finding success.
To be successful in any chosen career or objective you require a specialized knowledge of the relevant subject. To have an all round good general knowledge is great but it does not necessarily mean you can reach your potential in your chosen profession. To get the best out of yourself your knowledge needs to be specific to a certain field or niche and needs to be supported by a definite plan that is focused on achieving certain goals.
A problem with the education system today is that it does not prepare people for the nine to five work life.. The youth today spend much of their time studying to buy themselves time and avoid making the important decisions regarding their future. Too many think that by going to university they will just fall into the career path that is right for them. However, a large proportion will find it difficult to get any job even ones that are not related to the subject they studied. Many of the jobs they apply for are filled by people straight out of school who have been taught quickly in a company acquiring the necessary specialized knowledge.
Going to university is all well and good as long as you are sure or somewhere close to knowing what it is you want to do after graduating. Equally, if you feel you can get the specialise knowledge elsewhere for your chosen job then you need not feel inferior to people that have acquired further education when applying. The company will choose who they feel is suitable for a position based on experience, not just schooling, but also personality and the effort you have made to do your own research on the company and the position. To gain that valuable experience or specialised knowledge before an interview you need to decide where you will get it.
Firstly you need to know exactly what kind of specialised knowledge you need to get you into the relevant profession. Then you must find out where the best sources are for the information you require. Analyse yourself and your present situation to find out how much time you need and whether you are prepared to obtain a qualification in the subject or maybe do evening courses whilst you are working or, if this is too much commitment, research yourself in local libraries and on the internet.
Whichever way you choose to gain the knowledge you must be sure that it is all relevant to the job you are aiming for and you need to be organised and dedicated to learning. Many modern businesses require people with more and more specific skills and knowledge and so taking course that is too generalised and that does not concentrate on any specialist subject in depth could result in failure. If you do take a course and find early on that it is not going to benefit you as much as you initially thought then do not hesitate to change courses. Wasting money is less important than wasting your time and effort on learning irrelevant information.
One major weakness in young people to today is a lack of ambition. The people that put in the extra effort to learn about a job before applying it are the ones who are more likely to have success. To build on that success and climb the career ladder a person needs to have a desire to do well in that job and not just settle for the first position they get. This means that by continually increasing your intake of specialised knowledge you are more likely to stand out in a company and be rewarded with promotions and pay rises.
Surveys have showed that on average people change their profession about five times during their lives. Many people get made redundant due to circumstances beyond their control whilst others may just find they need to do something different. The important thing to remember when changing jobs is that it is never too late to go and acquire the specialised knowledge needed for a different role. Alternatively if you have made the effort to gain the knowledge before then it may stand you in good stead for a similar position to the one you are leaving. Your success depends on your commitment to learning the relevant skills and knowledge and the enthusiasm you show to do a job well.
We live in a modern age where the use of our imaginations is so important to making a success of our lives. Any new idea that is dreamed up, whether it involves a new invention, the writing of a song or the design of a new car, they all involve the process of realising the power of the desire to succeed and then the application of the creative part of the brain to develop the idea.
It is the creative imagination in us that has led the human race to civilisation. Without it we would not be able to take to the skies by plane, communicate around the world by phones or explore space with scientific technology. The development of the modernised world certainly would not have happened without the power of the human imagination.
We use the creative imagination and dream up new ideas due to inspiration. Through this part of the mind you are able to communicate with the subconscious minds of others which can bring out their imagination allowing you to cooperate in brainstorming ideas and communicating more efficiently. Brains are more receptive when fuelled by a strong burning desire and positive emotions that motivate you towards achieving your goals. People from all kinds of backgrounds develop their imaginations in this way from successful businessmen to famous artists.
You may become more aware of the creative imagination by trying to use it more regularly. The most important thing to remember if you are to become more successful in using your imagination is that you need to know what you want in life. Take time to write down exactly what you desire, what you want to achieve in your life, what you need to make you happy, and how you can go about getting it. Put your aims on paper and pin them to a wall where you will see them regularly. Focus all your desire, determination and faith on immediate goals that will take you step by step towards achieving your main objectives and be persistent in chasing your dreams. By reminding yourself of the journey you want to take in life and focusing your mental energy on thinking of ways you can go about getting there your subconscious mind should eventually start to offer you the routes to success. You are then on the way to making use of your creative imagination.
You cannot put a price on goods ideas. People have made themselves incredibly wealthy through making practical uses for their ideas, or even selling them, purely by developing the use of their imaginations. In this world there are people who have ideas and then there are people who can put them into action.
Sometimes you just cannot put a price on a good idea. The story of pretty much every great fortune starts with the forming of ideas through the use of the creative imagination and then the selling of the idea. There are people who have the ideas and people who can put them into action. Some successful businessmen have both of these kinds of people at their aid to help with the things they knew less about. Unlike people, ideas have the potential to live on, sometimes through many generations. Christianity is an obvious example. The chief tenet "do unto others as you would have others do unto you" has been central to the morality of countless people and will continue to be indefinitely.
Are you the type of person that makes decisions quickly or do you find it difficult to make your mind up? When it comes to getting a job done and meeting a deadline your success can depend on the ability to be decisive. Many people fail to meet deadlines because of indecision. Not only do they let people affect their ability to make prompt and definite decisions but they hesitate due to factors involving their own decisiveness.
Procrastination is a weakness that many of us may face on a daily basis. The ability to be decisive when it comes to avoiding distractions is important if you are to succeed in reaching your potential. Too many people make excuses for not chasing their goals early on in life continuously putting there dreams to one side and saying they will come back to them when "the time is right". However, you only have a chance of succeeding in reaching those aims if you start acting immediately.
The biggest achievers of this world have shown that their success comes from quick decisive action and the ability to take stock of situations when things do not go to plan and to change decisions when necessary. Henry Ford was an example of someone who used his decision making ability to full effect. Some might say he was so determined when he made a decision that he was stubborn. His model T car was made despite the advice of many of his staff who said it would be the ugliest car around. Although this turned out to be partly correct and the car was not as successful as other models, Ford still stuck to his guns and made a fortune from the model. Now, regardless of what would have happened if he had scrapped it, Ford showed that by being strong minded and decisive he was able to make something succeed that most people doubted.
To become more decisive you need to be able to ignore the opinions of others. If you want to make sacrifices and chase your dream doing something that satisfies your inner desires, you need to listen to your self and no one else. Friends and family may try to discourage you from your goals as they may think they know what is best for you. However, your burning desire to succeed at something should be all the encouragement you need to take those first steps towards achieving immediate goals.
One major problem with the education system is that it does not teach the youth about the working world enough. Too many students work their hearts out trying to get the best grades they can only to find that they have no idea what to do with themselves after graduating. Schools, colleges and universities do not encourage people to make decisions before they finish studying and so the habit of indecision stays with people as they go into work. It may be necessary to take any job straight away after leaving your studies behind you whilst you think about what you want to do with your future. However, many will find that they are stuck in that same job a year or more later and are unable to climb the career ladder.
You need to find the courage to make a definite decision about your future. You should sit down and analyse yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, what you think you are capable of and what you want to achieve in life. Then you must do your own research and not be held back by others or hold yourself back by procrastinating.
3DMagix is an advanced animation software and is a full featured modelling, rendering, animation and simulation package. It matches up to the level of features that Maya and 3D Max offers but at a lower cost. On the animation front a full range of tools - from easy keyframing to event driven nonlinear animation- is supported. ... 3DMagix is a complete solution for high end 3D-production at an unprecedented price
Effect3D is a powerful editing tool that lets you create professional looking 3D objects, add animation, and use a wide range of 3D effects. Effect3D's Power Wizard does the work for you, so whether you're a novice or a Webmaster you'll be producing stunning artwork in minutes. ... Effect3D can also create dynamic 3D models by RTS animation so models can move back-and-forth, float, or rotate. ... Over 500 models are cleverly categorized for easy browsing and with over 70 behavioral Bio-Morph animation's to choose from; Effect3D gives you the freedom to create uncompromising images limited
3D GIF Designer produces animated high-quality 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or for a presentation. You can create animations from your own pictures (JPG, GIF, BMP, AVI) and easily add 3D text and shapes. The sprites technology enables to control over ... For quickly getting started, design your own animation from over 30 professional templates (banners, buttons, logos), and then save as animated GIF or AVI movies, or as set of JPEG or BMP files. ... In addition, 3D GIF Designer allows you to animate sprites with several effects such as Swing, Rotate.
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the "Magic Eye" series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render... Main features: User-friendly interface Random dot stereograms (SIRDS) Pattern or textured stereograms (SIS) Support for many file types including GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, and BMPs Import 3DS (3D Studio) models Export depthmaps from 3D scene Autocalculated depth coeficient for loaded 3D models .
Pro Motion is a bitmap editor and animation package, ideal for creating pixel precise animations, images or icons used in games or Flash applications especially for handheld systems like mobile phones,gameboy,PDA,Pocket PC and similar. It has a huge number of functions ranging from simple... copied to all equal tiles within the image) - tons of tools including color cycling, onion skinning, masking, symmetry paint, magic wand, tile painting for "infinite" textures-bitmaps and "standard" functions like line, curve, box, circle, fill (pattern, gradients) - lots of helpful animation.
Effect3D is a powerful editing tool that lets you create professional looking 3D objects, add animation, and use a wide range of 3D effects. Effect3D's Power Wizard does the work for you, so whether you're a novice or a Webmaster you'll be producing stunning artwork in minutes. ... Effect3D can also create dynamic 3D models by RTS animation so models can move back-and-forth, float, or rotate. ... Over 500 models are cleverly categorized for easy browsing and with over 70 behavioral Bio-Morph animation's to choose from; Effect3D gives you the freedom to create uncompromising images limited
3D GIF Designer produces animated high-quality 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or for a presentation. You can create animations from your own pictures (JPG, GIF, BMP, AVI) and easily add 3D text and shapes. The sprites technology enables to control over ... For quickly getting started, design your own animation from over 30 professional templates (banners, buttons, logos), and then save as animated GIF or AVI movies, or as set of JPEG or BMP files. ... In addition, 3D GIF Designer allows you to animate sprites with several effects such as Swing, Rotate.
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the "Magic Eye" series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render... Main features: User-friendly interface Random dot stereograms (SIRDS) Pattern or textured stereograms (SIS) Support for many file types including GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, and BMPs Import 3DS (3D Studio) models Export depthmaps from 3D scene Autocalculated depth coeficient for loaded 3D models .
Pro Motion is a bitmap editor and animation package, ideal for creating pixel precise animations, images or icons used in games or Flash applications especially for handheld systems like mobile phones,gameboy,PDA,Pocket PC and similar. It has a huge number of functions ranging from simple... copied to all equal tiles within the image) - tons of tools including color cycling, onion skinning, masking, symmetry paint, magic wand, tile painting for "infinite" textures-bitmaps and "standard" functions like line, curve, box, circle, fill (pattern, gradients) - lots of helpful animation.
3d animation training
Bringing characters to life is not as easy as it appears. It needs a lot of practice and hard work. Although with a proper training in visual effects and an in-depth knowledge of 2d graphics and 3d animation, one can easily create, out of the world website, design products, make games that truly belong to the next generation and much more.
The answer such high goals and aspirations is a thorough and strong knowledge of Graphics and the various packages that may help you to render a sketch into life. Some of the packages that may make you a skilled in 3d animation are flash, macromedia etc. But before you know such 3d animation packages, it's always advised to have an idea and perfection in packages like Photoshop that forms the basis of any graphic activity.
The 3d animation is taught in various schools and institutes focused in animation and communication design. Different institutes have different curriculum to offer its students in order to train them into skilled animators. Usually, computer animation courses include 2d and 3d animation, digital arts, digital animation course, editing and visual effect course etc.
The best part about 3d animation is that even professionals can excel the art by doing some online courses in the same field that enriches their art further and make them further skilled and expertise animators.
The Basic 3d animation knowledge
·Developing primary characters by using bouncing ball principle.
·Understanding the anatomy of the character and setting models with the help of knowledge in proportions.
·Colour theory knowledge.
·Bone structure and skin textures.
·Colour rendering.
The Intermediate 3d animation skills
·Modeling the character and understanding mesh tool.
·Shading skills
·Sketching and rigging skills.
·Software knowledge and making their use.
Advanced 3d animation training
·Conceptualizing an animation along with facial features and creating full fleshed characters.
·Making short animation movie.
·Shading, lighting and rendering using layers.
·Giving the final fluid effect. Practically using all the packages together along with sketching to get the perfection in 3d animation.
The Software
Computer animation can be created with the help of a computer and animation software. Cinema 4D, Amorphium, Poser, and Ray Dream Studio are some examples of animation software. Many software options are available and prices vary according to the sophistication of the programs.
Computer animators are creative artists who use high-tech tools for achieving their creative perfection, but the ultimate reason for their achievement is their creative vision.
Forms of Animation
There are different types of animation available:
o Scripting Systems was the earliest system used for motion control, where the computer animator writes a script in animation language. One of such scripting languages is Actor Script Animation Language.
o Procedural Animation (which defines the movement over time), uses the law of physics for generating a movement. For example, consider a motion, which is the result of another action, as in the case of a ball, which if thrown towards an object, hits that particular object and causes it to move in the desired direction.
o Representational Animation is a technique, wherein an object changes its shape during animation. This is sub-divided into three categories - articulated object animation, soft object animation, and morphing.
o Stochastic Animation, which controls a groups of objects like fireworks and waterfalls.
o Behavioral Animation, where a group of objects behaves according to a set pattern as indicated by the animator.
Computer generated animation is used in various diverse fields such as films, television, videos, advertising, gaming, website designing and in a host of other situations. Due to its wide range of application, computer animation has seen a spurt in growth in the last few years.
Audiences all over the world, especially young audiences, are captivated by the extreme graphics and sound effects, which have been introduced in television programs, movies as well as in commercials. Use of multimedia makes the presentation even more attractive and effective.