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ABC's Bird of the Week - Canada Warbler


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Bird of the Week
Canada Warbler

Canada Warbler by David Disher

The brightly-colored Canada Warbler is sometimes called the “necklaced warbler” because of the band of black streaks across the male’s lemon-yellow breast. An estimated 64% of the population nests in Canada’s boreal region.

This species spends less time on its breeding grounds than most warblers, being one of the last to arrive and among the first to depart; its total time on the breeding grounds may be no more than two months.

Breeding Bird Survey data show a population decline of 3.2% per year throughout the Canada Warbler’s breeding range, with the greatest declines in the Northeast. Forest fragmentation, over-browsing of the understory by deer, acid rain, and the spread of the woolly adelgid (which kills fir and hemlock trees), have all reduced available habitat.

Another serious threat to Canada Warbler populations is the loss of habitat in the northern Andes, where a substantial portion of the population winters.

See how ABC is working to preserve habitat for the
Canada Warbler and other birds!

Photo: Canada Warbler by David Disher; Range Map: NatureServe



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The Latest from Bird Crafts

The Latest from Bird Crafts

Friday Giveaway: $70 of Party Supplies from The Party Works

Posted: 16 Sep 2011 02:12 AM PDT

If you've missed out on last week's giveaway, then you'll LOVE this week's one! :)

I often get asked to design © Disney and licensed characters, which can be a real challenge, so I was very happy to discover The Party Works and all their wonderful supplies of fabulous party goodies to recommend to my sweet customers! 

The Party Work has a huge selection of licensed character party supplies, tableware, party decorations and accessories, costumes, party favors, gifts, cake decorating supplies, pinatas and even candy!! I had a really hard time picking just a few photos to show you! :)

From © Dora The Explorer to © Mickey Mouse, © Twilight or © Justin Bieber, you're sure to find the party theme of your dreams there! Oh, and today they are offering one lucky winner a fabulous $70 to spend in their store!! Keep reading to find out how you can enter...

Pssst- You can share this post on twitter to get extra entries! See below for details...

RaptorUpdate - Get Outside and Look Up!

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earth friends 

September 2011
Issue #63
Dear omss,
Fall migration is in full swing, and the sites are up and running!  Most are open to the public, so get out and go hawkwatching.  Please send your photos and stories to Nikki and share what you are seeing this fall. 

Don't forget to become our friend on
Facebook if you haven't already.  It's the best place for the most up to date HWI banter.  Tell your friends to join us on Facebook, too.

From all of us at HawkWatch International, thank you for your support and for subscribing to our monthly e-newsletter, RaptorUpdate.
Go Hawkwatching!


From mid-August to mid-November, HWI watches the sky and counts thousands of raptors as they migrate south for the winter.  We count, band, and study several species of raptors.  If you have never had the opportunity to witness the marvel of migration, make this your year.  The public is welcome at most HWI Raptor Migration sites!  Visit www.hawkwatch.org for site information, brochures, and directions.  Organized groups, please call ahead as some wilderness areas have group size regulations: (800) 726-HAWK. 

1.  Chelan Ridge, Washington              August 23 to October 27
2.  Bonney Butte, Oregon                     August 28 to October 31
3.  Bridger Mountains, Montana            September 5 to October 31
4.  Commissary Ridge, Wyoming          August 27 to November 5
5.  Goshute Mountains, Nevada            August 15 to November 5
6.  Manzano Mountains, New Mexico     Closed to the public by USFS
7. Smith Point, Texas                          August 1 to September 30
8. Corpus Christi, Texas                      August 14 to November 15
9. Veracruz, Mexico                             August 20 to November 20
Upcoming Fall Migration Events
New Mexico
Diversions, Dams, Dikes, and Riparian Degradation

Friday, September 16 , 2011
Silver City, New Mexico
7:30 am - noon

Explore the mid-elevation biotic diversity of the Gila River's Mogollon Box Area with HWI Research Biologist Mike Neal.  Learn how past, present, and future threats to the Gila watershed can impact this unique and diverse ecosystem.

For more information or to register, visit the Gila River Festival website.

Washington State 

Chelan Ridge Hawk Migration Festival

September 17, 2011
Riverfront Park, Pateros, Washington
9:00 am - 5:00 pmMerlin profile

Come and learn all about migration during the peak of the season. 

This free event includes vendors, demonstrations, live birds, and trips to the Chelan Ridge Raptor Migration Site.

For more information or to sign up for the Chelan Ridge Shuttle or fieldtrips visit the HWI website.  Hurry!  Only a few shuttle spots left.


Portland Audubon's Identifying Hawks in Flight

Identification Class
September 21, 2011
Portland, Oregon
7:00 - 9:00 pm 

Field trip to Bonney Butte

September 24, 2011
9:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Join Portland Audubon as they experience HawkWatch International's  work being done at the Bonney Butte migration site.

For more information or to register, visit the Portland Audubon website.


Celebration of Flight

Hazel Bazemore Park Hawkwatch, Corpus Christi, Texas 

September 23 -25, 2011

Come celebrate the peak of the Gulf Coast flight.  Bear witness to hundreds of thousands of raptors as they continue their migration south!

For more information, visit www.ccbirding.com


Bridger Raptor Fest

Bozeman, Montana red-tailed hawk

October 7 - 9, 2011

The festival, which is free to the public, centers around the largest known  Golden Eagle migration in the United States.  Activities include wildlife films, nature walks and talks, education, and entertainment programs for people of all ages.

For more information, visit the website.
Upcoming Utah Events
HawkWatching at Grandeur Peak with Jerry Liguori

Saturday, September 17, 2011

2945 S Wasatch Blvd, Salt Lake City (meet at the trailhead parking lot and follow the signs to the peak)

9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Join local raptor expert Jerry Liguori and HawkWatch International for a day of raptor identification.  Learn how to identify raptors in flight as the migrate along the Bonneville Shoreline trail.  Jerry will be available from 9 am - 5 pm to share tips and answer questions.  Bring your lightweight lawn or camp chairs, binoculars, water, field guides, and Jerry's latest book,"Hawks at a Distance."   For more information and directions, contact Nikki at nprice@hawkwatch.org.  The hike to the peak is moderate and takes about 15 - 20 minutes from the parking lot.


Parade of Raptors

Thursday, October 13, 2011 

REI, 3285 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City

7:00 - 8:00 pm


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Swanner Eco Center, 1258 Center Drive, Park City  

11:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Join HWI volunteers as they show some impressive birds of prey and talk about their natural history, personal stories, and conservation efforts in our own community.  Appropriate for all ages.  

 Raptors In The News

Please feel free to email us at enews@hawkwatch.org if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.  For more information about HawkWatch International, please visit our website at www.hawkwatch.org.

This email was sent to omsstravel.6666@blogger.com by enews@hawkwatch.org |  
HawkWatch International | 2240 S. 900 E. | Salt Lake City | UT | 84106